Dave is one of the competitors in our Highland Games. He competes in the shot put, caber toss and hammer throw - collectively known as the heavy events.

Dave has been preparing for months in the lead up to the Highland Games 2022. He's been working out at the gym throughout the year doing lots of weightlifting . Leading up to the Highland Games season he has been going to his local athletic track to practice outside as much throwing as possible. The night before the games he makes sure he has his outfit ready. His tee-shirt, trainers, kilt and shorts to wear under the kilt.
Hopefully all his practice will be worth it and he can go home with some of the highland games prize money.
After a long break, due to the pandemic, the Helensburgh and Lomond Highland Games are back on Saturday (4th June 2022). The weather looks set to be glorious so Dave will also need to make sure he has packed his sunscreen cream and plenty of water.
Come along tomorrow and cheer Dave and the other Highland Games 'Heavy' athletes on.
Helensburgh and Lomond Highland Games 2022
Tomorrow Saturday 4th June 2022
10am - 5pm
Helensburgh Rugby Football Club,
Rhu Rd Higher, Helensburgh G84 8JR
Strictly no public parking at the Games venue itself, but a FREE shuttle bus will run throughout the day, picking up at Maitland Street opposite Helensburgh Central station and dropping off at Helensburgh Rugby Football Club grounds at Ardencaple.
Tickets at the entrance or buy your tickets online.
£7 - Adults
£3.50 - Children and concessions (children under 5 free)
£21 - Family (2 adults & up to 3 children )
#helensburgh #highland #highlandgames #highlands #highlandathlete #scotland #sports #highlanddance #dancing #hammerthrow #tossingacaber #cabertoss #heavies #westdumbartonshire #argyllandbute #glasgow #discoverhelensburgh #helensburghandlomond #destinationhelensburgh #visitscotland #rshga #weightoverbar #dancingwithsword #dancewithswords #sworddance #hillrace #familydayout #hillrace #hillrunning #familydaysout