Make sure you have the date in your diary. We are looking forward to the Helensburgh and Lomond Highland Games. The fabulous Helensburgh Clan Colquhoun Pipe Band will be there, as will the usual Highland Games competitions: Toss the Caber, Highland Dancing, Hill Races, and Athletics. There will also be Craft Stalls, Food and Drink venders, and family fun.
Come join us at:
Helensburgh and Lomond Highland Games.
Saturday, 1 June 2024
10:00 am ‐ 5:00 pm
Helensburgh Rugby Club
Rhu Road Higher, Helensburgh,
G84 8YJ
Tickets are online at:
#helensburgh #highland #highlandgames #highlands #highlandathlete #scotland #sports #highlanddance #dancing #hammerthrow #tossingacaber #cabertoss #heavies #Helensburghandlomondhighlandgames #westdumbartonshire #argyllandbute #glasgow #discoverhelensburgh #helensburghandlomond #destinationhelensburgh #weightoverbar #dancingwithsword #dancewithswords #sworddance #hillrace #hillrunning #familydayout