The Helensburgh and Lomond Highland Games are hosting some Ladies' Heavy Competitions on Saturday 1st June 2024. These will be the 4kg ball, the 14lb hammer, the 14lb weight for distance, the 28lb over the bar, the 12 lb Sheaf toss and Toss the Caber.
In the first instance, register as an athlete with the Royal Scottish Highland Games Association
For Helensburgh and Lomond Highland Games, all competitors must pre-register before 29 May 2024. Please email your details, giving your name, address, contact number, date of birth and RSHGA registration number to secretary.hlhg@gmail.com
#sports #highlanddance #dancing #hammerthrow #tossingacaber #cabertoss #heavies #Helensburghandlomondhighlandgames #westdumbartonshire #argyllandbute